The statute of limitations is a law set by the state that gives a time limit for a person to bring a legal action or file a lawsuit in court to recover financial compensation. The purpose of the statute of limitations is to ensure that legal claims are brought within a reasonable time after an […]
Can I Sue After a Car Accident?
Yes, you can sue after a car accident. A civil lawsuit is one of the legal avenues to collect compensation for your losses if you have suffered an injury in a car crash. You must prove your case to collect damages. A car accident attorney can obtain the compensation you deserve after a car crash. […]
Head-On Collisions
Head-on collisions are some of the scariest and most deadly types of car accidents. Head-on collisions have massive potential for serious injuries as well. As a victim, you can end up in debt due to high medical costs and lost earnings. You need legal help to assist in getting your life back on track. If […]
What Questions Should I Ask My Car Accident Attorney?
Car accidents frequently happen when other drivers are negligent, such as by violating road rules or engaging in distracted driving. If you suffered injuries in a car crash due to another driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. There are several questions that you should ask a car accident lawyer, including […]
What to Expect After a Car Accident
Following a car crash, you can expect medical evaluations and dealing with insurance claims. You may also experience physical pain, emotional stress, and property damage. During this time, seek ongoing medical attention, even if you feel fine, and document everything related to the accident. You should also consult an experienced car accident lawyer if you’re […]
When to Hire an Attorney after a Car Accident
Following a crash that a negligent driver causes, you should hire a knowledgeable car accident attorney right away. A lawyer can work to prove the other driver’s negligence, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your damages. Acting quickly is important, as legal deadlines for filing claims […]
How Much Does a Lawyer Cost for a Car Accident?
Getting in a car accident can be confusing and frightening. You might be injured, your vehicle might be totaled, and you might not understand what to do next. One of the first things many people think about after a crash is whether they should get a car accident lawyer. But then another question comes up […]
When to Get an Attorney for a Car Accident
If you want to know when to get an attorney for a car accident, the answer is now, even after a minor car accident or if you suspect the auto collision was partially your fault. An experienced car accident attorney will protect your interests and ensure you receive fair compensation. Schedule A Free Consultation How […]
How to Get an Accident Report in Arkansas
Getting into a car accident can be scary and confusing. After the crash, you may need to get an accident report. This report has important information about what happened. In Arkansas, there are a few ways to get this report. But before discussing that, let’s remember something key – a car accident lawyer can take […]
Where Do Fatal Accidents Occur in Arkansas?
Accidents that lead to death can happen anywhere in Arkansas. Call a wrongful death attorney today and get the support needed to move forward after your crash. These attorneys know how to handle cases where someone dies because of another person’s careless actions. Schedule A Free Consultation The Pain of Losing a Loved One Losing […]
Where Do Most Car Accidents Occur in Little Rock?
Like any major city, Little Rock sees its share of car accidents. Although you risk getting into an accident with a negligent driver anywhere in the city, there are certain places in Little Rock that typically see more car accidents than others. So, where do most car accidents occur in Little Rock? By examining crash data […]
Arkansas Car Accident Lawsuits Process
Car accidents can be life-altering events, causing immense physical, emotional, and financial hardships for those involved. In the aftermath of a car crash, understanding your rights and legal options becomes crucial, particularly when seeking compensation for your injuries and losses. In Arkansas, navigating personal injury lawsuits can be challenging without the right knowledge and guidance. […]
Arkansas Child Seat Laws
We want to protect our children in any way possible. We keep an eye on them while they’re playing in the park, hold their hand while crossing the street, and expect to hear progress reports from their teachers at school. Because children are so vulnerable to danger, we also want to keep them safe in […]
Arkansas Auto Insurance Laws To Know in 2023
In the United States, it is mandated by law that every vehicle on the road must have minimum insurance coverage as specified by the state. Arkansas is no exception to this rule. It is crucial to comprehend the legal obligations of insurance in the state to ensure you are adequately prepared in the event of […]
Fatal Accidents in Arkansas
In 2020, there were 38,824 fatal accidents in the United States. Not only was this the highest number recorded since 2007, but Arkansas ranked fourth on the list of states with the most fatal car accidents, with an average of 16.24 fatal crashes per 100,000 state residents. In this blog, we review Arkansas fatal accident […]
Child Was Injured in Arkansas Car Crash: What Parents Need to Do Now
As a parent, protecting your children is your most important job. Each day, you take steps to keep them safe – like buckling them into a car seat or making sure that they wear a helmet when riding a bike. Yet there are some things that you can’t control – like negligent drivers on the […]
Texting and Driving Statistics 2020
Texting and Driving Statistics 2020 According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving is the direct cause of at least 1.6 million car accidents in the U.S. each year. On average, about 2,841 people lose their lives as a result of distracted driving. You need just see texting and driving statistics […]
At-Fault Driver (or Insurance) Not Cooperating?
It’s always very frustrating when the other driver involved within your recent car accident is being uncooperative, and this can reveal itself in a variety of ways. One of the main ways that an at-fault driver can refuse to cooperate is when they deliberately don’t reach out to their auto insurance adjuster while you’re attempting […]
Drones Investigating Car Wrecks
Police traditionally used chalk marks, tape measures, and roller wheels for recording measurements and skid marks when reconstructing what happened at an accident scene. In the recent past, police switched to laser-guided tools to assist in their calculations. However, even with the advent of lasers, accident reconstruction takes hours, resulting in road closures and dangerous […]
Distracted Driving and Pets
Much attention is devoted to stopping distracted driving. Particularly the use of cell phones and texting while driving. As many as 42 states have developed laws and campaigns against texting and driving. Distracted driving is a general term that encompasses many driving behaviors. State statutes typically define distracted driving as doing something while operating a […]
Arkansas Texting and Driving Accident Statistics 2019
Replying to a text message at a stoplight might seem as innocent enough of an activity, but the reality of texting and driving—and the car accidents that it has caused—is far grimmer. Distracted driving causes 9 deaths a day in the United States. When a driver takes their eyes off the road and their attention off […]
What Happens if a Teen Driver Gets into a Car Accident with a Learner’s Permit?
For families with new teen drivers getting behind the wheel for the first time, the experience can be as nerve-wracking as it is exhilarating. Many first-time parents may not know where to begin with their child, who will be understandably eager to hit the road and be well on their way to earning their intermediate […]
Spinal Stenosis from a Car Accident
Car accidents can result in an incredible amount of force exerted against vehicles and their occupants. This force can lead to serious and debilitating injuries (such as spinal stenosis) that can further lead to temporary or permanent disability depending on the severity of the condition. You may have never heard of the term “spinal stenosis,” […]
Arkansas Drivers Should Beware of Semi-Trucks Near Major Cities
Interstate 40 across Arkansas is one of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Major Truck Corridors. Across nearly the entire state the highway carries over 8500 trucks per day. It is also one of the most dangerous highways in the country. A recent study comparing accident data from 2013-2016 to traffic volumes identified this stretch of […]
Arkansas Auto Accident Fatality Statistics
After we get in our vehicles and drive to our destinations, we hope we make it back home in one piece. Sometimes, getting in a car accident isn’t even on our radar. However, car accidents are such a common occurrence and happen every day–even fatalities resulting from those car accidents. Whether the cause of that car […]